I know I haven't posted in forever, but life gets busy & sometimes my time is limited.
Everyone is doing great and I will update soon.
But this post needed to be done.
I think sometimes in the craziness of everyday life we sometimes forget to stop, take a deep breath, and see what we have. Parents are busy working, taking care of the kids, and all the other tasks of life, that we sometimes don't take time for ourselves or our spouses.
As time goes on we tend to take each other for granted & forget to let each other know we appreciate them, love them, want & need them.
Everybody has bumps in the road. Some are tiny, we barely notice them and we keep going. Some are huge, and force us to stop, and figure out the best way to proceed. I think the best way to handle these depends on a few things.
Do you want to learn from it, work on getting rid of it, and continue on your path stronger, happier, closer, and with a stronger love for each other & life?
Or do you want to give up, not try, and be alone as you continue on your journey in life. No doubt if this is the path you choose the bumps will just keep getting bigger.
I choose the 1st option!!
While we sometimes have to deal with difficult people & situations all the time, I think it is much easier with your spouse by your side, holding your hand, whispering... I'm here, I love you, I'm not going anywhere, we will get through this. And the most amazing thing is we do get through it, and in the end your appreciation for each other, your life you have built together, your strength, your commitment to each other are so much stronger.
But the greatest part is you really see how much you both love each other. You see the other person in a different way.
I've said many times that I feel very blessed, but I never realize just how blessed.
I have 3 of the most amazing kids ever. I married my best friend, and know that the bond & love we have is stronger now then it ever has been. I have hope & faith that the days, months, & years to come are only going to be even better, and filled with more love then I ever imagined, and the tears will be only happy ones!!
So to all the bumps in the road we have encountered or have yet to encounter.... Nice try, you are & will make us more committed to get through it all together, stronger, and with much love!