

I could write a book about Travis.
He is my oldest, he was the only one of my 3 kids that we planned & actually TRIED to have.
And when I say we tried, I mean we really tried, like for 2 YEARS tired.

Yep, I spent 2 years being poked, prodded, tested & examined to try to have a baby. I had every moment of my life scheduled, I documented everything I put in my mouth, every morning at 4 am I took my temperature, I did it all.
Then I had had enough of the schedules, Dr appointments, meds, pain from it all. We were going to be getting married and I  needed a break. It was then I heard the words...."You probably can't have kids, we can not see any reason medically that will could happen."

Well I stopped all the treatments, and SUPRPISE!!!!
I got pregnant!

Travis was a great baby, he was calm, sweet, loving. He was my little buddy from day one.
I waited a long time to have him and you better believe he was spoiled.

Travis  is the most amazing kid ever. He is so very smart, yet funny too. He has overcome some pretty tough stuff and is a better person because of it. He is compassionate, loving, smart ( sometimes too smart) he always is looking out for the little guy, and knows what he wants to do with his life. I have no doubt Travis is going to do great things with his life.

I have so much fun with Travis. He has a great sense of humor, is quick to come up with his comments. I love that we can have great conversations. He is old enough that we can discuss more adult topics. He has taught me so much in his life time already and I am sure he will continue to.
I love how he loves his baby sister for who she is and celebrates every little success she has. He is an amazing big brother to Kaden and help him to see he too is important. He has taught Kaden so much & is a great help with his homework.
Travis loves Disney just as much as I do and will forever be joining us on our trips.
When I look at Travis I see the amazing person he is and will continue to be. I love watching him grow and be too "cool" to hug or kiss me, yet he always knows I am there for him.
Travis is and will always be my 1st born, my baby!!!

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