Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sorry It's Not Worth My Time!

I had a post ready to go the other day, but I have made a choice to not post it. The reason behind this has nothing to do what so ever with things that have been said. I wrote a post a while back about finding the positive in everything, and I am choosing to find the positive.

So to those who like to think they know me, my life, and like to spread & believe lies about me, I wish you happiness and clarity in your life.

I am now going to move on with my amazing life, I hope you too can someday be as lucky.


  1. Well how gracious of you Now you van just bad mouth Nan's side of the family and not be held responsible.
    The only good in this is that innow longer have to ply go between you and the people in your family thatt you think are all scum.ike I said, I have no sadness or regret in pretending you don't exist. My problem is how you can't even tolerate your mother so your kds get to know they do have a grandma. Your responsibility is to teach them tolerance when someone has a mental disability. You expect it of others when they talk about your kids, but you sure don't practice that when it comes to your mom.

  2. Lovely Comment Joy,

    You know if you want to attack me at least have the balls to not sign in as anonymous! And perhaps you should try proof reading before you hit send.

    I don't bad mouth Nan's family, and nice try using her name to try to make me feel like it has anything to do with her.
    I never asked you to play go between, so you brought that on by yourself. You are the one who felt it was your place to stick your nose into my bussiness and send pictures of my children to my mother WITHOUT my permission.
    I never for a moment thought you would have any sadness or regret to pretend I don't exsist. I wonder who made you family spokesperson. I just take your opinion of me as jealousy of me.
    My issues with my mother go far beyond her "mental illness". It come from 41 yrs of her shit. Unless you were here to see and hear everything she has said or done to me & my children ( her grandchildren) you are in no position to say anything.
    Yes, I do expect tolerance when people are speaking about my children, and I teach them to be tolerant too. But I don't teach them to put up with peoples bullshit just beacuse they are "family". Just like you preach tolerance, but if anyone disagrees with you on anything you block them.
    My children know they have a grandma, and frankly they are sick of the shit she says to them. The last time she was in my house she upset Kaden, and pissed Travis off. Hmmm.... some grandma she is!!
    How about you worry about your own kid, I don't need you to tell me what I am doing wrong. You are the last person to be telling anyone how to raise their kids.
    I take full responsiblity of things I say, what I don't tolerate, nor will I be quiet about is when people lie about me. Yes, you all have and do.
    The bottom line is, if it makes you feel better about yourself and your life to tell me I am "kicked" out of the family ( who made you the matriach) & to tell me everyone thinks I am scum than so be it. But don't think your "family" isn't and hasn't said things about you behind your back.

    And now my mother can thank you for the truth about her being put out for all the world to see. Yep, I will be writing about my relationship with my mother, and EVERYTHING that has happened from day one!!!

  3. i don't think i would believe anything you said you sound sick. a mom is a mom, immature people do what you do. grow up little child, your children deserve some things you are very neglectful of giving. i do hope you choose not to chop your mother up like liver.

  4. Well Anonymous,

    Once again I have someone commenting that doesn't have the guts to use their name.

    This will be my last comment to this. I have allowed this lovely person to have their comment published only because it makes me laugh.
    I have to disagree a bit with you on a mom is a mom. Yes she is a mom, but being someones mom doesn't give you free reign to do what you please an expect to get away with it cause your "family"
    I am far from immature, in fact my brother and I were left to pretty much raise ourselves while our mother sat in the bar all day and night. Lucky for me she sent me to live with my father at 13 where I had an amazing step-mom whos loves me and my children very much.
    I don't expect you to believe me or not, but I have to ask you then, WHY are you even reading my blog?? WHy don't you move along and find something else to do with your time.
    I am far from sick, sick is some of the things my mother has said and done to me & my children. And speaking of my children, my children are far from neglected. They are not missing out on anything. They have plenty of other grandmas that love them & don't hurt them with their words and actions.
    Now, please move along and find something else to entertain yourself. In the future, if you should care to comment again you will need to not find behind "anonymous"
