Saturday, September 22, 2012

Well I Guess You Told Me!

So this blog is about my life, and of course my kids. Sometime I write about the kids & normal everyday life, but sometimes things happen and I feel I need to share.
Sometimes those involved in these situations aren't too happy to have the issue written about, but it is my blog, and frankly I get to choose what gets written. If you don't like it you are welcome to comment ( not without using your name) OR you are free to not read it.

I am very passionate about many things. One of those things is people making fun of others that have a disability. I don't care if you do it to theie face or behind their back, but I don't like when people purposely make fun of someone. Now I know sometimes I should just not say anything, but I think it is the mom in me that gets very angry and can't help but say something. I feel like someone should stand up for these people, and I hate when people sit back and say nothing because they don't think it is their place or they don't want to start something.
I would hope and pray that when Tessa is older that someone does say something if she is being picked on or made fun of. I guess maybe that is why I feel the need to say something.

Now I have bitten my tongue when this person has posted or said stupid stuff in the past because frankly she is very immature. I won't say she is young because she is 28 (I believe), and one would think by that age a person has grown up and learned how to act like an adult human being, but not this person. Her life is all about partying, going on vacation, and bitching about her job. She is far more intelligent then anyone, she is always right, and no matter what the subject she is an expert and you know nothing. I got to experience this 1 st hand the other day.

I saw where she had posted about a flight her and her boyfriend where on, she comment that the man sitting next to her boyfriend had Torretts (yep, she spelled it that way, it is suppose to be Tourettes) and he had ordered a coffee.
OK, I became saddened and angered by this cause why is this even something to put out there? What is the purpose other then to illicit laughs or cruel comments from people?
Well sure enough, the first comment was someone laughing and saying they wished they could have been there to see that.
OMG!! Seriously?? Where the hell is the compassion in these people?
I commented that I felt sorry for him and that is was sad and childish to even post that let alone laugh, and I hope someday Tessa never encounters someone like them.

Well, clearly this person didn't like me saying that. She got all pissy and writes that I am being dramatic and twisting her words. That she NEVER made fun of this man, she simply made a statement. REALLY??? Hmm, I would think a statement would be  "The man sitting next to ___ just ordered a coffee." Which when you think about it is sorta of a dumb statement to make, but the bigger thing is, it wouldn't get the reaction she was wanting and got from her friend.
But, her rant to me gets better. She then proceeds to tell me that she has worked with disabled adults and children long before I was ever a mom to a special needs child.
Hmmm... Really?
 Ok lets do the math.
I am 43, I have a son who is 15 with Aspergers, beside having Tessa . So I have been dealing with this for at least 13 yrs.
She is 28, has been doing her current job since she was 24, she has had a few jobs between 18 and 24. So even if she did that job for the years of 18 to 24 she still wasn't doing it Before I had a special needs child.

But then she made the dumbest comment yet, and the one that angered me the most, the one that made me decide to write this post, and the one that also shows just what a complete immature dumb ass she is, and also shows that she is reaching for something to say to me that makes her feel like she has put me in my place. Sadly I fear this comment has only done the opposite. She has made some other people mad, and frankly she only is making things worse for herself.
Here is her comment:
"I have more compassion for people with disabilities then you could ever develop over your lifetime."

My first reaction was Excuse me??
Then I went off on her, and reminded her that she did in fact write the comment to get a laugh out of people, she is full of shit. She does not know me and for that matter know anything about her boyfriends family.

Sadly this girl is too immature to see she is the complete dumb ass she really is, and most likely thinks she has put me in my place, you know because she clearly is an expert on people with disabilities since she has been working with then for a brief time years ago, and clearly she believes it was long before I had a kid with one. Also she is much more compassionate then I could ever be or develop during my life time, even though I am the mother to 2 children with special needs.

WOW!! I guess maybe I am the dumb ass!!

Sadly people like this will never change, never grow up, and never in a million years ever see the stupidity of their words.
The only thing is she did get her laughs she was trying to get, but the only problem is they are laughs about her idiotic comments. Poor dear has total strangers laughing, and shocked at her thinking.

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