Thursday, June 25, 2015

I'm Not A Better Parent, and Neither Are You

I see very often parents being mean, and hateful towards each other. Why are they doing this?
It is often many taboo subjects that get brought up on either their personal Facebook page, parenting pages or websites.
Parents suddenly become experts on the subject that is being discussed, and are not able to except that there is any other way to possibly raise a child.

Just a few of the topics I have seem discussed, and the discussions turn mean real quick.
Breastfeeding in public
Ear Piercing
Potty Training
Where they sleep
And there are millions more arguments happening on millions more topics.

Now I have my opinions, beliefs, and way of raising my kids, Just like all of you have yours as well. Is my way the right way? Nope!
Is your way the right way? Nope!
Do I think my way is the right way? Yes & No.
Do I think your way is the right way? Yes & No.

My way is the right way to raise my kids, because they are my kids, and they have their own set of issues, disabilities, quirks, and behaviors. Our choices on all the taboo subjects, and countless others are ones we feel are right, and needed for our family. Would I demand or expect anyone else to parent the way I do, or make the choices I made? Nope, Never!
I would also expect the same from other moms as well. Your family, your beliefs, opinions, and values are yours, they work for your family. Your children's issues, disabilities, and quirks are theirs & theirs alone. I don't know what is best for them, only you as their parent can know that.

Can I offer a suggestion on things? Sure, because it might be a topic I have experience with, but I can't expect or become angry if you don't do it my way. Can you offer suggestions? Absolutely! I frequently ask other parents for suggestions, just to get a little perspective. The most amazing thing is you can get many opinions, and you do not have to do it exactly like they do.

I'm just amazed at all the parents that get so self righteous, mean, and down right hateful towards other parents, simply because they don't share the same ideas, or beliefs on parenting.
Why can't we all just respect each other, and agree to disagree. I can still be your friend, and not agree with you. I can still respect your opinion, even if it is not the same as mine.
As long as you're not hurting your child, and they are happy, healthy, and thriving it is none of my business if you breastfeed, spank, or any other taboo topic.

So how about we all just support, encourage &be nice to each other. Kids don't come with manuals, and when they have some sort of issues, disability, or quirks its even harder, and isolating to raise them.
I promise to give encouragement, and advice if I can, I promise to respect your right to raise your kids in a way you feel is best, and I promise to not judge your choices. I also ask the same of you in return.
After all I'm not a better parent then you, but I am the best parent for my kids. And you are not a better parent then me, but you are the best parent for your kids!

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