Just when I think I am having a slow day or a slow week life throws me a curve ball.
I thought this week was going to be a simple, quiet one. Tessa had her teacher come today and Friday we have a Orthopedic eval. That is it nothing more, simple!
Last night Kaden comes down to tell me his shirt is sticking to him, OK it is humid upstairs. Imagine my surprise when he took his shirt off and he is covered on his chest and back with a red bumpy rash. I used a cool wash cloth to cool him down, then out a fan blowing on him. This morning he still has it. I throw him in the shower and still there.
Check with school nurse, he can stay at school. Great.
Tessa's teacher comes, good visit, nap, and run pick the boys up, and hurry to the Dr.
Kaden might have strep, thus the rash, but..he also is getting a ear infection too. Thankfully we got meds, problem solved.
Travis brings home a card with info about college and the school is having a thing for parents tomorrow night. Wonderful, I wasn't planning on going, but think it might be a bad choice not to. Quick call to Dennis to see if he could watch the 2 younger ones, looks like it is possible. Great, check one more thing off my list.
This time of year is like this. I look at my calendar and it has maybe 2 or 3 things on it, then out of the blue I am adding things for almost everyday of the week. It is like this till school gets out, then it is calm and relaxing.
Sadly I don't see this happening this year, Tessa will continue with PT, OT, Teacher, Speech, various Dr appointments, then for added fun Travis will be taking Drivers Ed too.
At this rate when October 2013 finally rolls around we all will need our vacation big time.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
They Just Keep Growing
Some days I wish my kids were a bit older or more mature for one reason or another, and others I wish they would slow down. With Travis I am torn, I love seeing him grow and mature, yet feel like I can't always remember every little detail when he was a baby, the moments I never wanted to forget.
Yesterday I went to Travis's annual IEP meeting. I always am a bit worried before these cause I am never sure what they are going to say. The trend lately everywhere is to push these kids off their IEP's cause it saves the schools money in the long run. So far we have been lucky that he seems to hang on to that last little bit of their guidelines to qualify. As most with kids that have Aspergers or really any disability when it comes to schools a diagnosis from a medical professional means nothing when trying to get services in the school. They have to meet educational guidelines, and they are not always easy to meet. Most parents are forced to fight the schools just like we fight insurance companies.
Elementary school and Middle school were always tough for Travis, he was bullied and generally picked on for no reason other then he was "different". I was very upset when I found out that he would not be going to the same High school as most of his friends. Friends he had been in school with since 1st grade. But in the long run it is actually working out to be a great thing. He still sees the friends he isn't with and still has some he knows at his school, but the bigger thing is he has made many new ones. He joined the Robotics Club, has had some amazing teachers who have inspired him .
At yesterdays IEP meeting they had his case worker, his guidance counselors , and 3 different teachers came in during the meeting. The very good news is Travis still qualifies for services, but he will have the amount of time he spends with his case worker greatly reduced. This is good because he has been missing out on some classes he wanted because he was losing a whole class period everyday.
His electronics teacher said he wants him to take a certain class next year based on his performance and potential and said that sometimes they cancel classes if there are not enough kids signed up but he is going to make sure this one doesn't and that Travis gets in it. He also said Travis is doing better in his class then all the other kids and in fact has many extra credit points, where his grade is beyond an A+.
Then his History teacher came in she said she is so excited for Travis because she recommended he take AP History next year. While it is much harder she really believes he can do it, and because he loves History so much he will thrive in this class. I am excited because I feel he sometimes he isn't challenged enough & at the end of the year he will have a chance to test out and get college credit as well as high school credit. She said he is a wonderful student and if everyone of her students were like him her job would be so easy.
Next was his Physics teacher. He said he is very impressed with Travis and it has been many years since he has had a student like Travis. When they are doing things in class he said Travis will ask many questions and the other kids get looks on their faces like "Hmmm. I never thought of that." He said that on many occasions Travis will ask questions that he has to stop and think about the answer or he needs to find out cause he doesn't know. He says Travis is very inventive and takes a leadership role in the class.
The only negative anyone said was sometimes he turns his work in late, not often but sometime. We discussed this and found it is an organizational issue and while kids aren't allowed to carry a backpack in school they do have exceptions and those kids are given a backpack pass. This is something we are considering.
I was in complete shock over some of the things the teachers were telling me, because Travis is a very shy, nervous kid. To hear he is taking a leadership role and one commented he seemed very confident, was not the kid I have know for these past almost 15 years.
However the more I have thought about all this, there more it really isn't shocking. Travis has grown and matured A LOT in the past year. He isn't my little boy anymore, and he has become more confident and independent. He knows what he wants to do in his life and he is on the path to make sure he gets it. He is already thinking about college, and knows he most likely will be going to one far from home. This is something he is OK with and doesn't see any issue with it.
Travis has become his own person, with his own mind and thoughts, and I have learned to let him go and continue to grow and mature. He has strong opinions about many things and isn't afraid to voice them. I sometimes have to take a step back and wonder who is this and where did quiet, shy Travis go?
I am so proud of him, and proud of who he is becoming and I am excited to see where he goes. I think people who haven't been seen him or been around him in a while will be surprised as well.
Soon he will be driving, graduating and going off to college, and next thing I know he will be married with kids. I use to worry about my kids growing up and moving away, but I have to say the thought of Travis going off to college doesn't scare me anymore. I find I am so excited to see him go because he is so eager to learn and grow that I feel he is destine to do great things. I was told my someone when he as a baby that they had this feeling that Travis was special, and that he was meant to do great things and make a huge impact and difference in this world. I didn't think much of it, but I have to agree now. Something about him is different, he thinks a lot and challenges even the teachers to think hard and sometimes outside of the box.
Look Out World, Travis is coming and he has a plan and mission!!
Yesterday I went to Travis's annual IEP meeting. I always am a bit worried before these cause I am never sure what they are going to say. The trend lately everywhere is to push these kids off their IEP's cause it saves the schools money in the long run. So far we have been lucky that he seems to hang on to that last little bit of their guidelines to qualify. As most with kids that have Aspergers or really any disability when it comes to schools a diagnosis from a medical professional means nothing when trying to get services in the school. They have to meet educational guidelines, and they are not always easy to meet. Most parents are forced to fight the schools just like we fight insurance companies.
Elementary school and Middle school were always tough for Travis, he was bullied and generally picked on for no reason other then he was "different". I was very upset when I found out that he would not be going to the same High school as most of his friends. Friends he had been in school with since 1st grade. But in the long run it is actually working out to be a great thing. He still sees the friends he isn't with and still has some he knows at his school, but the bigger thing is he has made many new ones. He joined the Robotics Club, has had some amazing teachers who have inspired him .
At yesterdays IEP meeting they had his case worker, his guidance counselors , and 3 different teachers came in during the meeting. The very good news is Travis still qualifies for services, but he will have the amount of time he spends with his case worker greatly reduced. This is good because he has been missing out on some classes he wanted because he was losing a whole class period everyday.
His electronics teacher said he wants him to take a certain class next year based on his performance and potential and said that sometimes they cancel classes if there are not enough kids signed up but he is going to make sure this one doesn't and that Travis gets in it. He also said Travis is doing better in his class then all the other kids and in fact has many extra credit points, where his grade is beyond an A+.
Then his History teacher came in she said she is so excited for Travis because she recommended he take AP History next year. While it is much harder she really believes he can do it, and because he loves History so much he will thrive in this class. I am excited because I feel he sometimes he isn't challenged enough & at the end of the year he will have a chance to test out and get college credit as well as high school credit. She said he is a wonderful student and if everyone of her students were like him her job would be so easy.
Next was his Physics teacher. He said he is very impressed with Travis and it has been many years since he has had a student like Travis. When they are doing things in class he said Travis will ask many questions and the other kids get looks on their faces like "Hmmm. I never thought of that." He said that on many occasions Travis will ask questions that he has to stop and think about the answer or he needs to find out cause he doesn't know. He says Travis is very inventive and takes a leadership role in the class.
The only negative anyone said was sometimes he turns his work in late, not often but sometime. We discussed this and found it is an organizational issue and while kids aren't allowed to carry a backpack in school they do have exceptions and those kids are given a backpack pass. This is something we are considering.
I was in complete shock over some of the things the teachers were telling me, because Travis is a very shy, nervous kid. To hear he is taking a leadership role and one commented he seemed very confident, was not the kid I have know for these past almost 15 years.
However the more I have thought about all this, there more it really isn't shocking. Travis has grown and matured A LOT in the past year. He isn't my little boy anymore, and he has become more confident and independent. He knows what he wants to do in his life and he is on the path to make sure he gets it. He is already thinking about college, and knows he most likely will be going to one far from home. This is something he is OK with and doesn't see any issue with it.
Travis has become his own person, with his own mind and thoughts, and I have learned to let him go and continue to grow and mature. He has strong opinions about many things and isn't afraid to voice them. I sometimes have to take a step back and wonder who is this and where did quiet, shy Travis go?
I am so proud of him, and proud of who he is becoming and I am excited to see where he goes. I think people who haven't been seen him or been around him in a while will be surprised as well.
Soon he will be driving, graduating and going off to college, and next thing I know he will be married with kids. I use to worry about my kids growing up and moving away, but I have to say the thought of Travis going off to college doesn't scare me anymore. I find I am so excited to see him go because he is so eager to learn and grow that I feel he is destine to do great things. I was told my someone when he as a baby that they had this feeling that Travis was special, and that he was meant to do great things and make a huge impact and difference in this world. I didn't think much of it, but I have to agree now. Something about him is different, he thinks a lot and challenges even the teachers to think hard and sometimes outside of the box.
Look Out World, Travis is coming and he has a plan and mission!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I have many ideas for a new post, and had planned on writing about one of them, until last night.
First a little background. I have not spoken to or seen my mother since August, and then it was a few words and only for a 10 minute time. This is also the last time she saw or talked to my kids. Had we not been at a funeral for my great Aunt this wouldn't have taken place. The back story to all of this is LONG, and I may post about it at a later time. For now I will say it was a decision that was long over due, and I haven't regretted making in one bit. Since this choice I also am not friends with her on Facebook, however I had my privacy settings so she could see pictures of the kids if she figured out how to do it.
I trusted the people I am friends with on Facebook to not save and share pictures of my kids without my permission.
Last night I learned that isn't a good idea. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my mothers facebook page and see she has right there on her page a picture of my daughter, with her email address above it and she also has commented on the picture on her own page.
Now the funny thing is I text 2 people that I think might have saved the pictures and sent them to her, neither respond, however within 5 minutes of these texts the picture comes down. I spoke with one of the people and feel comfortable that she didn't do it. I really hope I am right too.
I am so hurt and angry someone would do this. I would never do something like this to any ones child's picture. I also have to wonder just how many pictures were sent. There is a reason I never send her any, please respect that!!!!
I have changed some settings on facebook, and I am hoping I don't have to delete the pictures completely. I have made many friends within the Down syndrome community on there and enjoy sharing Tessa's accomplishments and pictures with them.
I am saddened by this whole thing, and find my trust in people has been damaged. I just wish people would be more respectful. I have a ton on my plate this week and this is not something I wanted to be dealing with.
I have thought a lot about this all night, ( Tessa didn't sleep much, I'm running on 1 1/2 hours of sleep) and I need to just continue on and take action when and if I see the need. I just want to live my life the way I have chosen, and wish people would stay out of the choice my husband and I have made regarding my mother and her contact with us & the kids. Trust me, I have very good reasons for this.
I hope who ever is behind this realizes what an ass they really are, and how far they crossed the line on this.
As for me, I intend to keep doing what I do, and will resume my silly life & sharing the good and bad with all of you.
First a little background. I have not spoken to or seen my mother since August, and then it was a few words and only for a 10 minute time. This is also the last time she saw or talked to my kids. Had we not been at a funeral for my great Aunt this wouldn't have taken place. The back story to all of this is LONG, and I may post about it at a later time. For now I will say it was a decision that was long over due, and I haven't regretted making in one bit. Since this choice I also am not friends with her on Facebook, however I had my privacy settings so she could see pictures of the kids if she figured out how to do it.
I trusted the people I am friends with on Facebook to not save and share pictures of my kids without my permission.
Last night I learned that isn't a good idea. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my mothers facebook page and see she has right there on her page a picture of my daughter, with her email address above it and she also has commented on the picture on her own page.
Now the funny thing is I text 2 people that I think might have saved the pictures and sent them to her, neither respond, however within 5 minutes of these texts the picture comes down. I spoke with one of the people and feel comfortable that she didn't do it. I really hope I am right too.
I am so hurt and angry someone would do this. I would never do something like this to any ones child's picture. I also have to wonder just how many pictures were sent. There is a reason I never send her any, please respect that!!!!
I have changed some settings on facebook, and I am hoping I don't have to delete the pictures completely. I have made many friends within the Down syndrome community on there and enjoy sharing Tessa's accomplishments and pictures with them.
I am saddened by this whole thing, and find my trust in people has been damaged. I just wish people would be more respectful. I have a ton on my plate this week and this is not something I wanted to be dealing with.
I have thought a lot about this all night, ( Tessa didn't sleep much, I'm running on 1 1/2 hours of sleep) and I need to just continue on and take action when and if I see the need. I just want to live my life the way I have chosen, and wish people would stay out of the choice my husband and I have made regarding my mother and her contact with us & the kids. Trust me, I have very good reasons for this.
I hope who ever is behind this realizes what an ass they really are, and how far they crossed the line on this.
As for me, I intend to keep doing what I do, and will resume my silly life & sharing the good and bad with all of you.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
What was Walmart thinking????
Sorry second post in one day, but I just remembered I didn't tell you all this.
The other day I took Tessa shopping. We went to Michaels and then ran to Walmart real quick. I am sure most have seen the People of Walmart site or at least some pictures from it.
We are almost done in the store when they announce that in 3 minutes over by the bakery section they will be giving away 3 inch paring knives to all customers 18 and older!
OMG, really? I then decide that I am done shopping and need to get out of there. My goodness, who thought it was a good idea to give the people of Walmart weapons???
Needless to say I finished up and went to check out. When I was leaving I saw a big crowd gathering in the bakery department and they were getting loud.
Yikes, only at Walmart!
The other day I took Tessa shopping. We went to Michaels and then ran to Walmart real quick. I am sure most have seen the People of Walmart site or at least some pictures from it.
We are almost done in the store when they announce that in 3 minutes over by the bakery section they will be giving away 3 inch paring knives to all customers 18 and older!
OMG, really? I then decide that I am done shopping and need to get out of there. My goodness, who thought it was a good idea to give the people of Walmart weapons???
Needless to say I finished up and went to check out. When I was leaving I saw a big crowd gathering in the bakery department and they were getting loud.
Yikes, only at Walmart!
Thinking Positive And Finding The Good!
I have been trying to teach Kaden to think more positive about things, and try to find 1 thing good in every situation, good or bad.
I have explained it to him and how to do it, yet he still needs reminding sometimes. I am determined to teach my kids that no matter what life throws at you, it isn't so bad if you take a step back and look at it from a different angle. I want them to understand that life isn't always pretty, or fun, but if you can find something good in every bad and laugh even when it doesn't seem too funny right now, you will have a great life. I tell them that only you can determine how a situation is going to impact you and how you feel.
Being sad, depressed, angry, lonely, negative all the time sucks, and if you keep being that way people will avoid you and your attitude. Life is too short to not have fun, don't dwell on the bad.
Like if you don't feel well, or something is going wrong, the more you think about it and feel sorry for yourself the worse it will be. Push it all aside and tell yourself, you are not going to live like that anymore. It is your life, choose to enjoy it, show your kids that it is a good thing.
So here is one thing that happened yesterday to Kaden and he almost flipped out because he thought it was so bad. I reminded him to think happy, and laugh.
Kaden was brushing his teeth before school, I went in the bathroom to quickly go before we left. I was just about to close the lid on the toilet and flush it when Kaden dropped a stack of paper cups in the toilet. We both stood there for a second, I could tell he was about to get upset, thinking he was in trouble and wondering how we were going to fix this. I looked at him and started laughing while I quickly grabbed the last dry spot on the cup and took them out & trew them away. Kaden had this look on his face, like he didn't know why I was laughing. I told him that it sucked it happened, but it was really funny, gross but funny.
Today I was getting quarters ready so I could go to the Laundromat with Tessa to dry clothes after we dropped Kaden off. Kaden says to me, " that is so bad you have a broken dryer, cause now you have to hang stuff up around the house & go to the Laundromat." I told him that is wasn't so bad, and to think of something positive about it. He thought and didn't come up with anything. I asked him what he thought about it being good that the washer still worked. He says "Oh yeah, that is a good thing." Then I tell him that we also get to go to some place different and meet new people, that today will not be a boring day for Tessa and I.
I try really hard to laugh everyday. Sometimes it is to keep from crying, sometimes I laugh so hard I do cry! I always try to make sure my kids laugh too. Sometimes they need help finding something, most times they don't. Travis has gotten good about finding the positive and Kaden is on his way. They both have great sense of humors and love to laugh, and like there mother find the craziest things funny.
So... What do you do to stay positive and find the good?? Do you laugh everyday?
Remember: No one controls your emotions, how you choose to react to situations is your choice. Life is only as good and happy as you make it and choose to be. Life is all about choices and the ramifications of those choices. Please make a choice to be happy, you'll be glad you did!!
Disclaimer: By no means do I think I am perfect, I just know that I lived my life feeling sorry for myself and blaming others for all the bad in my life too long. I saw it was negatively impacting my children and knew it was time for me to change my attitude, outlook and future. I have days where I don't feel good and many days I am in pain from one thing or another (getting older does that to you) but I usually don't dwell on it or make my discomfort know all the time. Life is only as good as you want it to be & as good as you make it.
I have explained it to him and how to do it, yet he still needs reminding sometimes. I am determined to teach my kids that no matter what life throws at you, it isn't so bad if you take a step back and look at it from a different angle. I want them to understand that life isn't always pretty, or fun, but if you can find something good in every bad and laugh even when it doesn't seem too funny right now, you will have a great life. I tell them that only you can determine how a situation is going to impact you and how you feel.
Being sad, depressed, angry, lonely, negative all the time sucks, and if you keep being that way people will avoid you and your attitude. Life is too short to not have fun, don't dwell on the bad.
Like if you don't feel well, or something is going wrong, the more you think about it and feel sorry for yourself the worse it will be. Push it all aside and tell yourself, you are not going to live like that anymore. It is your life, choose to enjoy it, show your kids that it is a good thing.
So here is one thing that happened yesterday to Kaden and he almost flipped out because he thought it was so bad. I reminded him to think happy, and laugh.
Kaden was brushing his teeth before school, I went in the bathroom to quickly go before we left. I was just about to close the lid on the toilet and flush it when Kaden dropped a stack of paper cups in the toilet. We both stood there for a second, I could tell he was about to get upset, thinking he was in trouble and wondering how we were going to fix this. I looked at him and started laughing while I quickly grabbed the last dry spot on the cup and took them out & trew them away. Kaden had this look on his face, like he didn't know why I was laughing. I told him that it sucked it happened, but it was really funny, gross but funny.
Today I was getting quarters ready so I could go to the Laundromat with Tessa to dry clothes after we dropped Kaden off. Kaden says to me, " that is so bad you have a broken dryer, cause now you have to hang stuff up around the house & go to the Laundromat." I told him that is wasn't so bad, and to think of something positive about it. He thought and didn't come up with anything. I asked him what he thought about it being good that the washer still worked. He says "Oh yeah, that is a good thing." Then I tell him that we also get to go to some place different and meet new people, that today will not be a boring day for Tessa and I.
I try really hard to laugh everyday. Sometimes it is to keep from crying, sometimes I laugh so hard I do cry! I always try to make sure my kids laugh too. Sometimes they need help finding something, most times they don't. Travis has gotten good about finding the positive and Kaden is on his way. They both have great sense of humors and love to laugh, and like there mother find the craziest things funny.
So... What do you do to stay positive and find the good?? Do you laugh everyday?
Remember: No one controls your emotions, how you choose to react to situations is your choice. Life is only as good and happy as you make it and choose to be. Life is all about choices and the ramifications of those choices. Please make a choice to be happy, you'll be glad you did!!
Disclaimer: By no means do I think I am perfect, I just know that I lived my life feeling sorry for myself and blaming others for all the bad in my life too long. I saw it was negatively impacting my children and knew it was time for me to change my attitude, outlook and future. I have days where I don't feel good and many days I am in pain from one thing or another (getting older does that to you) but I usually don't dwell on it or make my discomfort know all the time. Life is only as good as you want it to be & as good as you make it.
Friday, April 6, 2012
I'm back. Ok I never left..
So it has been a long time since I posted, but I have been busy.
The kids started spring break on Friday the 30th, and Travis had a Robotics competition Friday & Saturday. This was a lot of fun to watch and I was so proud of his whole team. These kids worked their butts off for months getting ready for this, and even harder during the 6 weeks they had to build it.( rules of First Robotics only allows for a 6 week build time to keep all teams fair) They sometime would work for 5 hours after school 4 days a week, all while keeping up with school. In the end they came in I think 44th out of 61, but they learned a lot and more importantly they had FUN!
The next exciting thing to happen was we bought a new van!!
Poor Mini ( yes, we named our van) was getting very old. She was a 2001, and had 180,000 miles. We had been to Wisconsin more times then I could count. We had been to North Dakota, Texas 3 times, and Disney World 3 times, not to mention I put between 300 to 350 miles on a week.
I am now the proud owner of a 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan. I am also so lost when it comes to figuring out all the new high tech stuff on it. Poor van doesn't have a name yet, we are still calling it Mini for now, but hope to have a name soon.
We did make it to the zoo on Thursday, and now are spending the last few days of spring break being lazy and getting nothing accomplished.
The only one main and oh so important thing left to do is color Easter eggs. Yep, we are one exciting bunch around here.
So...What have you been up to?? Do you have any suggestions for Mini 2.0's name???
I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. Don't eat too much candy or hard boiled eggs.
The kids started spring break on Friday the 30th, and Travis had a Robotics competition Friday & Saturday. This was a lot of fun to watch and I was so proud of his whole team. These kids worked their butts off for months getting ready for this, and even harder during the 6 weeks they had to build it.( rules of First Robotics only allows for a 6 week build time to keep all teams fair) They sometime would work for 5 hours after school 4 days a week, all while keeping up with school. In the end they came in I think 44th out of 61, but they learned a lot and more importantly they had FUN!
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Here is the product of their hard work! |
The next exciting thing to happen was we bought a new van!!
Poor Mini ( yes, we named our van) was getting very old. She was a 2001, and had 180,000 miles. We had been to Wisconsin more times then I could count. We had been to North Dakota, Texas 3 times, and Disney World 3 times, not to mention I put between 300 to 350 miles on a week.
I am now the proud owner of a 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan. I am also so lost when it comes to figuring out all the new high tech stuff on it. Poor van doesn't have a name yet, we are still calling it Mini for now, but hope to have a name soon.
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There she is, now to figure out her name! |
We did make it to the zoo on Thursday, and now are spending the last few days of spring break being lazy and getting nothing accomplished.
The only one main and oh so important thing left to do is color Easter eggs. Yep, we are one exciting bunch around here.
So...What have you been up to?? Do you have any suggestions for Mini 2.0's name???
I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. Don't eat too much candy or hard boiled eggs.
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