I have many ideas for a new post, and had planned on writing about one of them, until last night.
First a little background. I have not spoken to or seen my mother since August, and then it was a few words and only for a 10 minute time. This is also the last time she saw or talked to my kids. Had we not been at a funeral for my great Aunt this wouldn't have taken place. The back story to all of this is LONG, and I may post about it at a later time. For now I will say it was a decision that was long over due, and I haven't regretted making in one bit. Since this choice I also am not friends with her on Facebook, however I had my privacy settings so she could see pictures of the kids if she figured out how to do it.
I trusted the people I am friends with on Facebook to not save and share pictures of my kids without my permission.
Last night I learned that isn't a good idea. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my mothers facebook page and see she has right there on her page a picture of my daughter, with her email address above it and she also has commented on the picture on her own page.
Now the funny thing is I text 2 people that I think might have saved the pictures and sent them to her, neither respond, however within 5 minutes of these texts the picture comes down. I spoke with one of the people and feel comfortable that she didn't do it. I really hope I am right too.
I am so hurt and angry someone would do this. I would never do something like this to any ones child's picture. I also have to wonder just how many pictures were sent. There is a reason I never send her any, please respect that!!!!
I have changed some settings on facebook, and I am hoping I don't have to delete the pictures completely. I have made many friends within the Down syndrome community on there and enjoy sharing Tessa's accomplishments and pictures with them.
I am saddened by this whole thing, and find my trust in people has been damaged. I just wish people would be more respectful. I have a ton on my plate this week and this is not something I wanted to be dealing with.
I have thought a lot about this all night, ( Tessa didn't sleep much, I'm running on 1 1/2 hours of sleep) and I need to just continue on and take action when and if I see the need. I just want to live my life the way I have chosen, and wish people would stay out of the choice my husband and I have made regarding my mother and her contact with us & the kids. Trust me, I have very good reasons for this.
I hope who ever is behind this realizes what an ass they really are, and how far they crossed the line on this.
As for me, I intend to keep doing what I do, and will resume my silly life & sharing the good and bad with all of you.
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