Friday, May 11, 2012

What Just Happened???

When I started this blog I said my life can be funny, and some days I wonder if I am on a hidden camera show.

Today is one of those days. Actually my day was fine, it is this evening that has me shaking my head and laughing cause I don't want to cry in front of the kids.

I have waited for the day Tessa would be mobile, and since that day I have learned to be careful what you wish for. She is a little wrecking crew, and leaves a path of destruction everywhere she goes. I am constantly stopping her from knocking crap over on top of herself. She has been to the ER once for tipping a TV tray over and it landed on her face. She was just fine.

Tonight Tessa is cranky from not taking a nap. ( her choice not mine). Travis was sitting at the center island eating a bowl of cereal ( just started) and Kaden was upstairs, I was right next to the kitchen on my computer, and Dennis is working late.
All of a sudden I hear Travis say "Tessa, NO!" and then I hear a huge crash! I look over at the Kitchen to see Tessa on the floor, the 3 tiered cart full of school supplies & a Texas shaped basket that was on top of it all on top of Tessa (almost, Travis caught most of it). I run into the kitchen to see Tessa fine, I grab her, call Kaden down to play with her while she is in the Pack-n-Play.
I go back into the kitchen to see little yellow things on the floor, not sure what they are, Travis is picking stuff up, and then I see it.....

Yes, that is the Texas shaped basket, and yes, that is also milk!

See the milk is almost all gone from the bowl, and it is all over the stuff I should have cleaned off of there a long time ago!

More mess, and that is the cart she tipped over!

When Travis was jumping up to save Tessa, he spilled his cereal all over the counter, floor, mail on the counter. I knew I should have gone through all the crap on the center island. All I could do was laugh, because I wanted to cry.
So while cleaning it up Kaden is playing with Tessa, she is completely unharmed and oblivious to what has happened, until........
I hear Tessa start crying and I ask Kaden what happened, he won't answer me and is backing away from the pack-n-play! Uh-Oh.. Kaden tells me he accidentally dropped a toy on Tessa's head.

I think if this is how my mothers day weekend is going to go, I might just want to make a quick run to the liquor store right now.
Life around her is never boring.

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