Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another reason to hate my health insurance

It is no secret I hate my health insurance company. Well, that isn't really fair, I do like some things, but most things make me so angry I become "that crazy woman screaming at them"

First a little back story.
When I became pregnant with Tessa I had to call and get prior authorization to go to the hospital to give birth. Yep, how stupid is that. Now they say it is just their policy. Also you have to agree to sign up for their completely voluntary health screening, where a nurse calls every month to see how your doing. The reason I say you have to agree to this voluntary "perk" is because if you don't they MIGHT reduce the amount they cover for your delivery.  Pretty tricky.

Now fast forward to Tessa's birth. I have an emergency c-section, Tessa spends 4 1/2 days in the NICU, she doesn't come home with me, but does come home the next day.
I get a call from the insurance company and their "expert" does not feel it was necessary for Tessa to have stayed 1 extra day in the NICU ( they say she was there 5 days cause they count the whole day she was born even thought it was at night). I guess the NICU doctors and her pediatrician are idiots because they said she needed to stay. In fact they were thinking about making her stay 3 more days.
A not so nicely worded letter from her Dr and suddenly they have a change of heart and will pay for the last day!

Fast forward to September last year. I want to get Tessa private PT. They say they will pay for an evaluation and decide if she really needs PT. I ask them why seeing as she has Down syndrome and babies with DS need PT. Doesn't matter they will decide. They approve it, all is good. We only went 2 times Tessa hated it.

Now fast forward to yesterday. I get the mail and there is a letter addressed to Tessa. The envelope says it is is personal and to be opened by the addressee. Ummm....Sure no problem. 
I open it and it is a form from the insurance company asking us ( Tessa) to fill out the back or call them about a visit to Children's Hospitals & Clinics on September 30th 2011. Oh, but it gets better. The form is asking if the visit is the result of an accident, injury, or a work related injury. They also want to know does she plan to file a claim with different insurance or workman's comp. Also has she gotten a lawyer?
All I could do was laugh...at first.

I called the company give them my name, relationship to Tessa, her date of birth, then I tell then I don't know what that visit was for so they need to tell me what the claim was for.

Wait for it, you will not believe this one.......
Because Dennis is the policy holder for the insurance.
Now, let's guess how well this went over with me??? Hmmm.... Yep I lost it, and they got an earful.
I am her mother, yet they can not discuss her medical stuff with me. They need Dennis to call and give them the info they need. HAHAHA Yeah, ok, you try that!
I told the man that he was not going to get any info out of Dennis, because Dennis doesn't have a clue about any of that stuff. I said a few more not so nice things, and yes, the F-word went flying a few times too.

I called Dennis at work and told him what was going on & that they would gladly talk to me if he gives them permission to discuss my daughter with me.
OK, now guess how this went over with Dennis???? OH, not well. Needless to say I was the calmer & nicer of the 2 of us to the insurance company.
Dennis told them he had no idea about anything medical because it isn't his F***ing job. IF they wanted to know something they needed to talk to me, he has no F***ing clue.

Surprise they called our house left a message, and were so nice and willing to talk to me when I called back.
Guess what the visit was they were questioning?
It was the Physical Therapy evaluation. They wanted to know if she was having one because she had been injured or in an accident. REALLY??? I know for a fact the insurance company knows why she had it because I had to do a prior authorization for it. They know she has DS!!
I tell the lady she has DS, and that is why she had the appointment. The lady then asks, "so she wasn't injured or in an accident?" I kindly, yet very sarcastically say " Nope she was just born with DS, nothing else, just DS."  Then the ever so smart lady says " Oh, OK so there isn't anything else that happened for this visit?"  Ummmm......I again say "No, she was just born with DS."  The she says " OK, well I guess we can close this case and you can through the paper away we won't be needing any of that info."

I hate dealing with health insurance companies!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my. I think my head would've blown up by that point.
