Monday, March 26, 2012

Disney World Update!

Anyone one who knows me, knows I LOVE Disney. We have been on many trips and will be on many more through the years.
I always start planning the next trip as soon as we are driving home from our current one. I am going over everything we did, where we ate,where we stayed, every little thing, then I plan how to make it better. I figure out what we need to do, eat, see again & what we don't need to.

We always drive so I never have to worry about what I can and can't pack, or how much airfare is going to be. We leave on a Friday around 5 pm, drive till Saturday around 4pm. We stop to eat and go potty those first 24 hours. We then get a hotel Saturday night, and continue the last 4 hours in the morning. Yes, we are a bit commando, but it works for us. We have been doing this since Kaden was 15 months old.

Now Dennis always gives me such a hard time about all the time I spend researching & planning. He & the boys give me weird looks when I make my little note cards & laminate them for each day we are there. However Dennis is the first to admit it is all the neurotic planning and obsessing that makes our trips fun and go so smoothly.

So now for Today's update.
We leave for Disney World in 571 days or 18 months, 3 weeks, 1day
Yes, you are reading that right. We don't go till October 2013.
But, I get to book our vacation package in August of this year.
I also have to book all the sit down restaurants we are going to eat at while there in April 2013.
Yep, have to make dinning reservations 6 months out.

So I have things to look forward to and plan. Yes, that all seems so far away, but when I plan and do all this so far out it makes it easier to budget & save. Plus starting in January 2013 I will start slowly buying the things we are going to need to bring. I have found it is cheaper and easier this way. I just put all of it in our Disney bucket till it is time to pack.

So Yes, some might think I am nuts, but I really don't mind. Disney is my happy place and all of my obsessive planning and researching has made for some fun, stress free trips for us and others I have helped plan as well.

If you ever need advice or help planning a trip, you know where to find me!

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