Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back To School Night

Every year the schools have a Back To School Night. It is a night to find your locker, meet your teachers and for Kaden to bring in his supplies.
Every year I try really hard to be on the ball and have all the supplies bought, labeled, and in one spot. I try to have all the forms filled out and in a neat order.
This year I was so proud of myself, I carefully marked the things off Kaden's list, some we already had, some we needed to buy. I was so positive we had it all, and for once I wasn't forgetting anything. Yay Me !!

We get to Kaden's school, find his classroom, say hi to his teacher (we know her, he had her in 2nd grade) and proceed to put his supplies where they belong. Then it happened..... I didn't bring the package of  loose leaf notebook paper, the ruler, the anti bacterial wipes, I was .50 short on the activity money, and forgot his notebook for art.  Crap !!!  I am not as organized as I thought.  Oh well at least I had most, and the staff knows us so well they laugh and say not to worry it is hard having 3 kids and he can just bring it Tuesday.

Next year I WILL be prepared better. I say this every year since Travis started school.

Next Travis & I went to his school to meet his teachers and find his locker. No supplies are need at the high school level they like to just tell the kids the first day what they need, so then while your trying to adjust to being back at school and new routines, you also get to run out to the store to buy supplies that are now out of stock. Good Times!!
We find all his classes, say hi to the teachers, get a bit of an overview of what they are planning to teach this year.. find the info out needed for his AP  American History class, when the final test is next spring and the cost so he can get the college credit for it.
His was much easier to prepare for, except... His Chemistry teacher was no where to be found, and the nurse wasn't around to give the forms to.

OK a tiny rant here.. Travis is in 10th grade, they allow the kids to self carry their inhalers, BUT  I have to fill out a form saying  he can administer it himself, the Dr has to fill out a form saying her can self administer & needs it, and then the nurse has to make sure Travis knows how & when to use it, and that he knows not to share it with others.
Seriously, this is insane, Yes, he knows how to use it, Yes, he needs it, and yes, I say he can do it himself. He is 15 yrs old, don't think he needs the nurse helping him use his inhaler.
OK, rant over !!

Anyway, back to school night went pretty well, and their is always next year to look forward too. I just know one of these years I"ll be that mom that has it all together, and has everything before the 1st day of school.

Up next.. The 1st day of school is Tuesday, I will let you know how it goes. I can tell you that it will include some tears, and they won't be from the kids.
In the mean time we are going to enjoy the last few days of freedom  summer.

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