So I have been thinking about this post for a long time, and was never quiet sure how to present it. It seems to me no matter how I write it or what I write, I am sure to anger some family members in a different state, whom I don't happen to communicate with, or have any interaction with other then them sending me nasty emails or anonymous comments here on the blog.
Now you might be wondering why they do this, and why my relationship is non-existent with them, and I will briefly tell you.
I don't share their same views or beliefs on many subjects. I don't sit back and allow them to tell me what to do, think, act or say. We many be family, but that doesn't mean I have to like you, or follow what you say, just because. I have been called mean, nasty, hateful, a bitch, and told I can leave the family and start my own. I have been accused of hiding behind my words and not taking responsibility for my words. I find this so funny, because I don't know how much more responsibility I can take then to have it all out here for the word to see on a public blog, I use my name, I link to it on my face book page. But, if going after me and calling me names makes a few feel better about themselves and their life, then I am glad to help. I don't get offended or bothered by their comments, I find them funny & feel sorry for them.
Now, on to what I was going to post about.
I think it is so amazing how when we are children we sometimes don't realize what an amazing family we have. When I was younger, and believed all my mothers lies and desperately wanted her to care about me, I would do anything to make her happy. I refused to see or believe what an amazing woman my step-mom was. She married my dad and instantly became a mom to 2 kids. I would be hurt and upset by my father paying more attention to her & ultimately their kids then my brother & I. I will admit there were things I thought were unfair and wrong, but as an adult I don't fault them. Just like my mother was a crappy mom, my dad had his faults too. The only difference is even when my dad was drinking himself to an almost early death, he still ate dinner with us as a family every night & I always knew where he was and that he was always there when I needed him.
But the true persons I want to talk about are family via marriage: My step-mom , my sister-in law and my in laws.
These people have all shown me what a family is really like. They have all been there when I needed them and they have all shown me what love in a family means. They never expect anything from you in return. They are there because they want to & they care. They are grateful and gracious for all you do, and want to be involved, and make an effort to be. They are not demanding of your time, or attention and know when to stay out of your business. I have been blessed to have such amazing people around me during some of the big milestones in my life, and during some rather tough times too.
I have learned how to be a self reliant person, a wife and a mother from these people. I have learned about unconditional love, and I have learned that I am not a bad person for standing up for myself, my husband, my children, and those family members who mean the most to me.
I have family who are true blood relatives that are also very important and special to me as well. They all know who they are and that our bonds will forever be strong. I couldn't be who I am & where I am if not for all of them as well.
Now, I would be lying if I said sometimes the loss of a big close family doesn't make me sad. I also would be lying if I said I could or would throw all my beliefs, feelings, and morals out the door just to be accepted in to the "family".
I can not nor will not change just to fit into something I don't agree with. It may sound mean and cold, but just because we are family, extended or close, doesn't allow you to treat me bad or guarantee me to put up with your crap. I can and have cut toxic people out of my life. I only put up with so much crap & only for so long before I have to save myself from the insanity.
Some wise words I heard when Travis was younger:
"Sorry is Good but Change is Better"
I don't say sorry very often, I won't say it as a way to excuse something I have done that others don't like. I also don't accept or forgive just because you say it. Too often people say it to get out of bad behavior, not because they actually mean it, but because social protocol say to. Many think if you say sorry, you are off the hook, and it excuses you, and allows you to continue with your crappy ways. I don't just forgive and forget because you say sorry.
I don't allow my children to say sorry unless they truly mean it and not just saying it because that is what they think they should say. I also tell them if someone treats you bad, or says something bad to you, having them say sorry to you if they didn't mean it isn't right. They must feel it is heartfelt and sincere.
So there, that is my post and feelings about family. I do have many other things to say about my childhood, life with certain family members, but in thinking it through I have to think it isn't worth it. Those that have hurt me, lied about me, and are no longer apart of my life really don't deserve the attention, and they have never taken responsibility and continue to only remember things and events according to their "selective" memories.
I am at a place in my life where I am happy, actually happier then I have been in a long time. I still have my moments and days where things seem overwhelming, and I do wonder why me, but they are less then the good ones.
I don't have many regrets right now, and the ones I do have are ones where I wished I had spoke my mind or stood up for myself or others sooner.
I'm curious about what you think unconditional love is. If you've learned about it, you certainly don't practice it. Loving someone unconditionally means that you will always love them, no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI mess up frequently. We have a messed up family. Whether you like it or not, you are a product of this family. You are as messed up as the rest of us are. Now reading your ideas on apologizing, it makes me believe you really do think that you have no part in any of the family issues. I agree that the word sorry means nothing without intent, but it is important to know when to apologize. But I wonder if you also think the same about please and thank you. Those are two more words/phrases that we usually say just because we are "supposed" to.
Can you honestly say that none of the issues with you and your mom are your fault? How about you and any of your aunts? I find it interesting that one of the few people in the family that stays close to you is another one that has pissed off everyone with his nasty comments. Yet both of you don't think you've ever been in the wrong? Two peas in a pod, I guess.
You don't have to like someone very much to love them. You can dislike the things people do or say and still love them. I love you and your kids because you are my family. I don't like you very much a lot of the time. I can separate the two things most of the time, but sometimes the degree to which some behaviors irritate me are too much. Sometimes you do need to take yourself out of the situation. One thing I'd hope you would think hard about is that there will be things about Tessa that you will just have to accept because that is as much as she can do or understand. And it is easier to accept her possible limitations because there is a label, a cause. I hope you never have to experience what it is like to lose some cognitive function, be aware that you've lost it, and go through the ridicule from people who should be on your side, but instead think you are faking it because sometimes you are fine. We all knew that Grandma Ro was going to say mean things sometimes because she had Alzheimer's. We all know your mom is goofy now too. Whether the things she says are real or not, who cares? I still love her. In the end, the things others say about you don't matter. But cutting people out of your life doesn't make you strong. It makes you weak. You can't tolerate the way this person is, so you cut them loose. And I am talking to myself as well. I know I am guilty of this. People have their shortcomings. No one is perfect, or even close. Why can't you see the way your mom is as a disability? She certainly can't change the past, and something crappy had to have happened to these girls to be so messed up. They were damaged, and they passed that damage on to their kids in different ways. No one sets out with the intention of being a bad parent. But I think your views on apologies are tainted here most of all. I don't think you believe your mom is sorry for how things were for you.
I don't have a Google account (been with Yahoo! for as long as I've been online, not about to change just to comment on your blog), so I used David's email address. But, this is me, Joy, your cousin. Not anonymous.
Well if it isn't Joy.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I am both a bit surprised and yet not surprised to see a comment from you.
I am surprised only because this post was written in August, and right around this time you sent me a message telling me I am a bitch, and then unfriended & blocked me on facebook.
However I am not surprised because this sort of thing is what you do best.
I guess I am not sure if I should be honored that you find my life & blog so interesting or scared because you can't just move on with your life, you have to stalk mine. Or maybe you were just bored???
None the less I am not going to reply to each of your stupid comments, clearly you know everything that has ever been said or happened in my life and you know how I should be acting or thinking, and what my reasons are for making the choices I have.
I will continue to post your comments, but only because I have been told people find them funny,and childish.
If finding fault and attacking me for my thoughts and opinions on my blog bring you happiness, who am I to stop you.
Now, I am off to enjoy my kids, husband, friends and everything else in my life, and continue blogging. Hopefully someday you too can have peace and happiness.
Bless your heart!!!