Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Some Numbers

Since my computer was down a few things happened. I updated you all with a bit of what we had been up to but I didn't include everything.

While my computer was down,
Tessa turned 18 months!! She is doing great & meeting her milestones in true Tessa fashion..mostly on time.
She is 19 lbs 4 ozs and is 30 1/2 inches tall. Her head is 16 inches. And while she is small in all areas on a "typical" growth chart she is in the 75-90% on the DS charts. Yay Tessa!!

Last week not only did I turn 43, and blogged about it, but I also had a wedding anniversary too. Dennis and I have been married 16 yrs. Now if you factor in he was my best friend for 14 yrs before getting married, it is like 30 yrs. I am not going to lie and say they have all always been happy & perfect, but we can be proud of the fact our kids have never seen us fight. This could be because while we disagree sometimes, we just don't fight.

Also as of today we are at 416 days till we back out of the driveway and start our family vacation. I am so excited, these trips are always so special because it is amazing, quality time just for us. We spend the time laughing, making precious memories, and just forgetting all the troubles & responsibilities of the real world. I can not wait to write all about our fun times, and adventures.

Travis is now 5 ft 6 in tall and still isn't done growing. He will be starting the 10th grade and is somewhat excited about school. I am always trying to keep my memories of him as my tiny baby boy alive. I sometimes look at him in amazement of how fast time has gone, yet so proud of the funny, loving, compassionate, and smart young man he has become.

Kaden is doing so well and will start 4th grade this year. While he says he doesn't want to go to school he is excited to see his friends, make new ones and he will have his favorite teacher again this year. He had her for 2nd grade, but she had a baby and when she returned they had her teaching 4 & 5 grade so he didn't get her again for 3 rd grade. Finally, he will be in her class again!!

So there you have some numbers about us and what we have been up to. Life is constantly moving and changing, and I am a;ways excited to see where it takes us.
Remember to take a few moments to stop and think about where you are, where you have been, and where you want to be. Savor every moment good or bad, because it is these moments that shape our lives, and help tell our stories. Celebrate & enjoy all the little things... you will be glad you did.

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