Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Been A while

I know it has been forever and I am hopeful to get back to blogging more seriously soon.

Things are great with the kids. Travis has been working at his new job and loving the money. He jokes his boss is a real jerk. His boss is his father. He will be starting his Junior year of high school and while he isn't ready for summer to be over he has some great classes and is excited to get back. I on the other hand am not ready to have a child that old.

Kaden is starting 5th grade and he is just as excited to see his friends as ever. He is still just my sweet, super busy boy, but he too is growing up way to fast.

Tessa continues to amaze us daily and is growing like a weed. She babbles constantly and has even started talking more. She has about 50 words she can say, but of course only says them when she feels like it. She is just like Kaden and is constantly moving and never sleeps.

My last post indicated there were issues in my life and there were and to some extent still are. We are working everyday to fix them and I have to admit things are better then ever. While I wish the whole thing never happened it did have a good side. It has forced us to talk about issues we kept bottled up and face them. We have worked them out and our love & marriage is stronger then ever. It by no means is perfect or completely fixed, but I have hope with a bit more time the issue will just be a distant memory, and forever out of our lives.

I won't go into it here but I am sure I may post my thoughts on a certain type of person and the frustrations with not being able to speak my mind. I have lots to say and where better to say them then on my blog. Lets just say there is someone out there who might not like that. ( No, not my husband)

We are just 42 days away from Disney and the kids are excited. Dennis and I are as well because after these last few months with him working so much and our personal struggles it will be nice to get away and away from stress.

So I will update more soon. I am trying to stay positive and happy, some days are harder then others but I tell myself over and over it will get better.